Its almost the end of April and to finish up this month I would like to make the song of the week a Latin one. This song is very popular here in Colombia because the group that sings it is from here. Dragon y Caballero are two reggaeton singers that came up with this brilliant song "Hey Bonita" for all of us to enjoy.
Believing they were inspired by their home town, Cartagena, Dragon y Caballero created a brand new, unique sound in reggaeton. Armando Paez and Donny Caballero are the two guys behind Dragon y Caballero, a unique duo that mixes the tropical rhythms with the beat of reggaeton. They try to create a unique sound for every one of their songs and want to cross limits in the music industry. The two young men came from different music projects but decided to come together to create music they were both comfortable with and to create history. They describe their music as small dosis of "sabor" that can later become a total addiction. They moved to Bogotá (my home town) to have a bigger range for their music and right now are preparing to go on tour outside of Colombia. You can only expect new yet consistent music from Dragon y Caballero that connects their audience to them in a deeper level.
What I most enjoy about the music of Dragon y Caballero is the fact that it mixes tropical rhythms with modern ones. The music changes consistently and every time you listen to a new song you find they have somehow reinvented themselves without changing their style. Another thing that is great about this duo is the fact that they don't sing any nasty lyrics even though they sing one of the dirties genres in the world. This song for example is about a girl that a guy wants, but instead of talking about her butt, they mention her beauty in a nice way. Here is an example:
"A mi me encanta tu sonrisa y tu mirada
Tu piel tan blanca y delicada
Cuando me hablas o cuando no dices nada
Seguramente es que tienes que estar cansada
(De tanto dar vueltas en mi cabeza)
Dando un nuevo significado a la belleza
Quiero un beso tuyo nena a la francesa
Dime que tengo que hacer, princesa."
In this verse they mention how delicate the girl is and how her smile and her eyes are beautiful. See? No reference whatsoever to her butt. My favorite instrument in this song is the guitar because it is always there in the background and what it plays sounds really pretty with the song. It also seems to be the "typical" sound of the song which is surrounded by the modern part of the song.
I encourage everyone to check out this amazing duo and listen to more of their music like "Fruta Prohibida" and "Tengo Prisa". I hope you like them as much as I do.

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